Wednesday, May 22, 2013

EASY Binky Clip Tutorial

I was so excited about finding this super easy tutorial to make binky clips that I went to Hobby Lobby the same day to get the materials so I could make them.  You can make these in 5 minutes, save money by making your own, and customize the clips to match your style!  You can make 4 different binky clips for less than the price of buying one at the store.  Binky clips are great because babies love to spit out their binkies and if you don't have a clip then you are constantly washing them off or losing them.  Here is the video: 

The lady in this video uses ribbon but if you want to get fancy fancy (or if you have a baby girl that you want to dress up) then get trim from a fabric store.  I loved the frilly, polka dot, and girly trims and thought they would make an adorable accessory for my baby girl.  

Experiment with different fabrics, ribbons, and trim to make cheap, cute binky clips that you'll be excited for your baby to wear!

1 comment:

  1. woah this is a great video. Im going to make like 6 of these, 3 girl and 3 boy. I really like that they dont have velcro because my baby is strong enough to pull the ribbon and un-velcro it, and the binky still falls on the ground! thanks for sharing this!!!
