Friday, May 17, 2013

Bumper Review

Bumper or no bumper?  Studies have gone from using bumpers to protect arms and legs from getting stuck to recent studies that say that bumpers can cause suffocation.  I read a bunch of different points of view and decided that I wanted some type of a bumper to keep baby girl's arms and legs from getting stuck but something that wasn't super thick that could be dangerous for breathing.  The solution?  Enter: mesh bumpers.

BreathableBaby Padded Mesh Crib Bumper
 I came across these mesh bumpers online and fell in love with them.  They provided that security for little arms and legs but the mesh aspect of the bumper makes it breathable and reduces a lot of stress on the worried mama's mind.  Not crazy about the look of them?  They come in different colors and even patterns.  Target had blue and white chevron mesh bumpers and the classic pink and light blue.  The brand we bought is BreathableBaby and I have no complaints.  Check them out and let me know what you think!

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