Wednesday, May 22, 2013

EASY Binky Clip Tutorial

I was so excited about finding this super easy tutorial to make binky clips that I went to Hobby Lobby the same day to get the materials so I could make them.  You can make these in 5 minutes, save money by making your own, and customize the clips to match your style!  You can make 4 different binky clips for less than the price of buying one at the store.  Binky clips are great because babies love to spit out their binkies and if you don't have a clip then you are constantly washing them off or losing them.  Here is the video: 

The lady in this video uses ribbon but if you want to get fancy fancy (or if you have a baby girl that you want to dress up) then get trim from a fabric store.  I loved the frilly, polka dot, and girly trims and thought they would make an adorable accessory for my baby girl.  

Experiment with different fabrics, ribbons, and trim to make cheap, cute binky clips that you'll be excited for your baby to wear!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bumper Review

Bumper or no bumper?  Studies have gone from using bumpers to protect arms and legs from getting stuck to recent studies that say that bumpers can cause suffocation.  I read a bunch of different points of view and decided that I wanted some type of a bumper to keep baby girl's arms and legs from getting stuck but something that wasn't super thick that could be dangerous for breathing.  The solution?  Enter: mesh bumpers.

BreathableBaby Padded Mesh Crib Bumper
 I came across these mesh bumpers online and fell in love with them.  They provided that security for little arms and legs but the mesh aspect of the bumper makes it breathable and reduces a lot of stress on the worried mama's mind.  Not crazy about the look of them?  They come in different colors and even patterns.  Target had blue and white chevron mesh bumpers and the classic pink and light blue.  The brand we bought is BreathableBaby and I have no complaints.  Check them out and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tips to Make Nursing Easier

Nursing isn't a walk in the park.  It takes patience, time, and determination to breastfeed your baby.  But I promise that it is worth it!  Breastfeeding protects your baby from a long list of sicknesses, can help your baby not develop allergies, lowers risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), reduces YOUR stress level and can help prevent breast cancer.  But the reason why I personally love breastfeeding is that it is a special time that you get to bond with your baby.  There is nothing better than having a squiggly baby snuggle up to you for 15 minutes while you feed them.  Even though that feeling helps out with the time and energy of breastfeeding, here are a few tips to make it easier on you.

1) Make your "nursing place" comfy and friendly!
You'll be spending A LOT of time nursing so you better make sure you are comfortable!  I love my glider but you can nurse on your bed with lots of pillows stuffed behind your back and sides or even sit crossed-legged on the floor.  But I promise you that nursing takes time and you can't rush it so you better be comfortable.  My friend calls her nursing place her "throne."  Make it comfy and you will find that nursing is a lot easier!

2) You can't expect to produce milk if you aren't drinking enough water! 
This finally hit me when my milk started to decrease and I've been trying to be better about drinking water.  Buy a cute water bottle or use the handy one that the hospital will give you and keep it by your "nursing place."  I love my CamelBak Eddy water bottle because it doesn't leak.

3) Nursing brings out a very hungry you!
If you are anything like me, you will feel STARVING if you breastfeed exclusively.  I felt like I was always hungry.  But remember, you are burning on average an extra 500 calories every day!  (You'll also like hearing that nursing mothers lose weight easier and faster than non-nursing mothers)  My advice to you is to find your favorite healthy snack to put by your "nursing place."  My favorite snacks were trail mix, granola bars, or carrots.  You will want to snack on those during late night feedings because you will feel starving!

4) Nursing Pillows and Creams help!
A nursing pillow is heaven sent.  When you are dead tired at 2am, you'll be grateful for a little pillow that you can stick under your arms to help support the baby while you nurse.  I personally love my Boppy ( that someone bought me from Target but you can get a free nursing pillow at when you use the promo code 50MOM.  Also, Lanolin cream really does help!  You get pretty sore the first couple weeks but the cream helps a ton.


Gender Reveal Idea

Looking for a cute way to tell family and friends what you are having?  I saw this idea on Facebook and thought it was such a cute and clever idea!
Thanks to Ally Best Johnson for the cute idea!