Monday, March 25, 2013

MUST HAVE for Nursing Mothers

I have to share this because it was really the thing that helped me be able to breastfeed.  While I was pregnant I had the whole birth process planned out.  I would go into labor on December 16th, labor for most the day then have a perfect delivery followed by skin to skin contact.  Then I thought I would breastfeed my baby right away and everything would be picture perfect and I would have an overwhelming joy come over me just as the background music climaxed and everyone would be smiling.  Well, lets just say that it didn't go like that. 

Our sweet baby developed an infection after I was induced so they had to do an emergency C-section to get her out.  The nurses had to take the baby and attend to her and I did get to kind of hold her but I was so out of it from the stress of the emergency C-section.  I couldn't nurse my baby right away or even do skin to skin contact.  Nothing went as planned and I was a little disappointed.  But then when I did get to hold her and finally try to nurse her, my milk wasn't in.  The stress from the C-section took its toll on me.  My milk didn't come in for 5 days.  I was so sad to have to supplement my baby.  One doctor even said, "If it hasn't come in yet then it isn't going to come it."  I was so sad because nothing else had gone as planned and I just wanted to be able to nurse my baby.  Well my mom talked to all the nurses in the NICU and found a solution: More Milk Plus by Motherlove.  

These herbal liquid capsules are 100% vegetarian and all organic.  You can buy them at Good Earth for sure but also online.  The nurses swore by it and my mom was willing to try anything.  She went down to Good Earth and bought the $25 bottle of capsules, hoping it would help.  I really feel like this is what helped my milk come in and when it came in, it really came in!  I was blessed to have enough milk to feed my baby and put some in the freezer to store for future use.  I would definitely suggest that every mother that is looking to nurse get this!  Even though the birth didn't go as I had planned, it was special in its own way.  My advice to you expecting mothers: keep an open mind.  Things may not go as you had planned but the important thing is that you have a sweet, healthy baby.  They are worth every plan that doesn't work out.  You won't ever go through something that you can't handle.

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