Monday, March 25, 2013


Thanks for visiting my blog!  I hope you can find useful tips and information to help you along your pregnancy or help you with the rewarding role of motherhood.  I started this blog because when I was pregnant with my first baby (just last year) I wish that there was someone or something that could help me know what to buy, different things to try, and just to have encouraging words.  My sister became pregnant and then a few more people that were close to me became pregnant.  I wanted them to know what I loved, what I didn't love, and I wanted to give them all the advice that I wish I would have know.  So that's why I started this blog!  Now believe me, I'm no pro.  I still have a ton to learn.  But I want to help every expecting mother or already full time mother with the little things that make life a little easier.  Let me just clarify, I am not advertising products for money or trying to sell something.  Everything I list on here is something that I have tried and that I love.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you think or if there is something you love that I should try. 

I hope that you can find something to help you know what to do when you are due! :)

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