Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Favorite Websites for Updates & Tips

Nothing is more fun than signing into your email to see that you received an update about your baby.  While I was pregnant I loved reading about what was happening with my baby that week and ready what was normal for my pregnancy at that stage.  I put together a list of some of my favorite websites for tips for your stage of pregnancy, facts on baby's development, and answers to your most common questions and concerns.

These have everything from week-by-week development, breast feeding q&a's, baby names, gender prediction quizzes, tips for the mom, and answers to a lot of questions.  Sign up to receive the newsletters so that you can keep up with your baby's development.  They also have tips and updates for when you have your baby.  I still use these websites to see development stages and ideas for what I can do with my baby at each stage.  Enjoy!!

5 S's to Calm Your Baby

One of the hardest things about being a parent is hearing your baby cry.  You wish you knew why they were crying and what you could do to help them but I've discovered that it is hard to figure out what your baby needs.  While I was pregnant I watched a video clip on Oprah with Dr. Harvey Karp, author of The Happiest Baby on the Block.  Dr. Karp's famous 5 S's have helped hundreds of mothers calm their babies.  I didn't have time to read the book but I did learn about his famous "5 S's" to help calm your baby.  The first 3 S's are my favorite and I think they work the best.

1) Swaddling. 
My baby LOVES to be swaddled.  Now, at 3 months old, she won't go to bed without being swaddled.  I love the swaddle because then her hands don't knock the binky out so that she wakes up.  I also like that she can't scratch her face while in the swaddle.  Don't know how to swaddle?  I didn't either...Here is a click to show you how to swaddle:

I just use a normal, thin blanket to swaddle my baby but you can buy a special swaddle from Target, Walmart, or Babies R Us.  Dr. Karp says that swaddling provides warmth and security. "Babies are often calmed when they are wrapped tightly as this sort of mimics the way the baby felt in the womb. Swaddling is one of the most effective ways to calm and quiet your fussy baby."

2) Side/Stomach position. 
"You place your baby, while holding her, either on her left side to assist in digestion, or on her stomach to provide reassuring support. Once your baby is happily asleep, you can safely put her in her crib, on her back."

3) Swinging. 
Ok, I swear by this one too.  My baby's swing has been a life saver!  She falls asleep in it every night.  Babies love the swinging motion because it reminds them of the movement they felt while in your womb.  If you have to splurge on one thing to buy, buy a swing!

4) Shushing.
Dr. Karp says that babies feel calm and safe when they hear the shushing sounds because the noise mimics the noise in the womb.

5) Sucking. 
"Sucking often allows babies to work out their aggression so it is a great resource for parents that are trying to calm their agitated baby. Sucking can be done on a pacifier, bottle, or the breast."

* You won't always be able to stop the crying or figure out what's wrong but remember: you won't ever go through something that you can't handle.  Being a mother is in your nature, in your blood, and you have those motherly instincts.  Believe in yourself and know that you've got this!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Encouraging Word of the Week

Here is the encouraging word of the week:

Love this quote about motherhood.

Have a great week!!

FREE Things for Mothers

One thing you should know about me, I am ALL about free things.  I love coupons and getting good deals so when I was pregnant I realized that there are a lot of free items for expecting mothers!  Here is a list of my favorite free things:

FREE Nursing Pillow 

Use the promo code: MOM30 to get the nursing pillow for free ($50 value).  You just have to pay shipping!  I personally didn't get one of these because I got a Boppy from a baby shower but this is a great deal and they have a lot of cute designs!

FREE Nursing Cover

I got the purple "Maria" cover but they have a ton of new colors and patterns since I got mine.  I love the cover that is pictured above.  Just enter the promo code and it will take off $35.  You just have to pay for the shipping, which is $11.  I think the shipping is a little overpriced but the cover is free so I think it's a pretty good deal.  Here is the promo code: breastfeeding OR family2013.

FREE Car Seat Cover

I still haven't bought my car seat cover because I've been using a winter cover because of the cold.  But I love the gray damask and the bright pink and green cover.  This is the same deal as the nursing cover, the promo code pays the $50 for the cover and you just have to pay shipping, which is $12 on this one.  The promo code that worked for me is: christmas.

FREE Diaper Bags, Bottles, Formula, and Coupons
Gerber has a certificate that you can print off for a free "mom backpack" with formula, health record, nutrition guide, breastfeeding book, and coupons.  Here is the link:

Interior Bottle Pocket - Big Zippered Pocket - Free Sample - Divided Compartments - Exterior Pocket - GerberĀ® Baby Bib

Another great thing to sign up for is Similac Strong Moms.  You get coupons, free bottles, a free bag, and free formula samples.  Here is the link to register:

Get up to $329* in great offers.

You can also sign up with Enfamil to receive a free breast milk cooler bag and formula.  Just click on this link:

Valuable Offers and Advice at Every Stage

Ultimate Stain Remover

Nothing is worse than buying a brand new outfit for your baby only to find out that they have a huge blow out 5 minutes after putting the adorable outfit on.  Enter: 

I'm telling you, this thing is a miracle worker!  All you have to do is when your baby has a blow out or spits up, just throw it in a laundry basket.  Then when you do laundry 3 or 4 days later you just spray this little magic potion on the stain, give it a little rub, and throw it in the washer.  Ok, I admit that sometimes I wait 5 days to do laundry, but my baby's clothes don't have ONE stain on them because of this.  Again, just spray, rub, and throw in the washer and wash normally.  I promise you won't regret buying this $3 bottle!

MUST HAVE for Nursing Mothers

I have to share this because it was really the thing that helped me be able to breastfeed.  While I was pregnant I had the whole birth process planned out.  I would go into labor on December 16th, labor for most the day then have a perfect delivery followed by skin to skin contact.  Then I thought I would breastfeed my baby right away and everything would be picture perfect and I would have an overwhelming joy come over me just as the background music climaxed and everyone would be smiling.  Well, lets just say that it didn't go like that. 

Our sweet baby developed an infection after I was induced so they had to do an emergency C-section to get her out.  The nurses had to take the baby and attend to her and I did get to kind of hold her but I was so out of it from the stress of the emergency C-section.  I couldn't nurse my baby right away or even do skin to skin contact.  Nothing went as planned and I was a little disappointed.  But then when I did get to hold her and finally try to nurse her, my milk wasn't in.  The stress from the C-section took its toll on me.  My milk didn't come in for 5 days.  I was so sad to have to supplement my baby.  One doctor even said, "If it hasn't come in yet then it isn't going to come it."  I was so sad because nothing else had gone as planned and I just wanted to be able to nurse my baby.  Well my mom talked to all the nurses in the NICU and found a solution: More Milk Plus by Motherlove.  

These herbal liquid capsules are 100% vegetarian and all organic.  You can buy them at Good Earth for sure but also online.  The nurses swore by it and my mom was willing to try anything.  She went down to Good Earth and bought the $25 bottle of capsules, hoping it would help.  I really feel like this is what helped my milk come in and when it came in, it really came in!  I was blessed to have enough milk to feed my baby and put some in the freezer to store for future use.  I would definitely suggest that every mother that is looking to nurse get this!  Even though the birth didn't go as I had planned, it was special in its own way.  My advice to you expecting mothers: keep an open mind.  Things may not go as you had planned but the important thing is that you have a sweet, healthy baby.  They are worth every plan that doesn't work out.  You won't ever go through something that you can't handle.


Thanks for visiting my blog!  I hope you can find useful tips and information to help you along your pregnancy or help you with the rewarding role of motherhood.  I started this blog because when I was pregnant with my first baby (just last year) I wish that there was someone or something that could help me know what to buy, different things to try, and just to have encouraging words.  My sister became pregnant and then a few more people that were close to me became pregnant.  I wanted them to know what I loved, what I didn't love, and I wanted to give them all the advice that I wish I would have know.  So that's why I started this blog!  Now believe me, I'm no pro.  I still have a ton to learn.  But I want to help every expecting mother or already full time mother with the little things that make life a little easier.  Let me just clarify, I am not advertising products for money or trying to sell something.  Everything I list on here is something that I have tried and that I love.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you think or if there is something you love that I should try. 

I hope that you can find something to help you know what to do when you are due! :)